There are certain things in life that will always catch you off guard. It's these little surprises that often make life worth living and I would strongly suggest embracing them. Often the mundane aspects of everyday life get on top of us and can weave a bit of disillusionment. That said, when something comes along that completely alters your perceptions, it makes you sit up and take notice...maybe even take stock of your life. Anyway, I'm waffling now, let me explain what has white-washed me with this existentialist guff.
It begins with a day at the races; a track day at Oulton Park in the North of England. In time-honored test driving tradition, me and my colleagues take as many vehicles to these events as possible and review as many as possible in a short space of time. We squabble over who gets the glory of driving the Lamborghini Gallardo (my colleague wins), who has the distinct pleasure of driving the Golf R32 (I win) and finally an argument over who drives what in a 2 lap race between a Porsche Boxster and a Honda S2000. After I draw the shortest of two straws, my colleague chooses the Boxster (naturally) and I trudge despondently to the S2000.
As we rev at the starting line my thoughts are obviously negative; driving skills aside, no one would expect a Honda S2000 (at least £5,000 less than the Porsche) to keep up. As the flag is waved I put my foot to the floor and hope for the best. This is where things went against expectation.
Not only did the Honda S2000 scream off the line with more aggression than the Boxster, within the first left-hander it had about a 25 feet advantage on the Porsche and held itself perfectly, neatly kissing both the inner and outer rumblestrips from entry to exit of the corner. After this first corner I started laughing hysterically. Essentially, what I was driving was a wolf in sheep's clothing; a beast dressed as your Gran.
I won the two lap race as convincingly as I started it and as a result feigned my win as a total triumph on my abilities as an exceedingly good driver. In my heart I knew that my success was entirely dependent on the S2000's unexpected and frankly harrowing performance on the track.
It's not only quicker than the Porsche Boxster, it's a lot cheaper. So bear that in mind next time you're drooling outside a Porsche dealership.
Pete Ridgard is a writer and a car enthusiast. Here he discusses the power and performance of the Honda S2000 - Successor to the NSX.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pete_Ridgard
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